Tag Archives: dating help


Are you Dating Fit? 5 tips

Here at EDBC we are all about getting you fit and ready to find who you are looking for . So what are the key components to being dating fit?

We have summed up our list below:


1. Presentation – Both online and in person it is critical to present as well as possible to attract the right partner. Your image should represent a great version of who you are, so make sure your profile and physical attire reflect this.


2. Attitude/Approach – We think having a positive open minded attitude towards meeting people is a key factor in finding the right person online or when you are out in public. There is no bigger turn off as a dater than negativity. If you are negative about the dating process in your profile or when dating, then you are indirectly insulting the person at the other end. To flip this around there is no bigger turn on the positivity so in summary we advise to be and stay positive.


3. Communication – Whether it be your first email or further into the dating process always remember to be considerate of the other person when responding or choosing whether to go on another date or not. People generally prefer and appreciate regular, polite and honest communication as to how things are progressing.


4. Planning – A little bit of planning can go a long way to being successful. Simple things like choosing an appropriate venue, getting the kids looked after, avoiding any potential calendar clashes, washing and cleaning out the car in advance, etc etc…. There can always be unexpected emergencies, but if these things happen most people will understand and forgive provided you follow step 3 above.


5. Learn – If things don’t work out, especially after many unsuccessful attempts, then revisit the first 4 steps and think about whether there is anything you can change that might make a difference in the future. One minor change could make a big difference to the end result.

Best of luck from the EDBC team.

Like our stuff? How about registering below to win a free date ready bootcamp  – if you are lucky enough to be drawn out we will work with you interactively through your dating journey.

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Images courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net


4 tips to beat your Dating Demons

Dating Demons and how you can overcome them.

Lets start with Stigma – Ever feared the stigma of family, friends or work colleagues seeing your single profile out there online? Here you are in a good job, independent, successful yet single? Well here’s the upside. Facts are over 50% of first marriages, 67% of second and 73% of third marriages fail, let alone break ups from those not married, so rest assured there are plenty of others in the same boat as this means that there are more singles than ever and the internet is definitely where it is at. So get out there and do it, be discreet if needed, but remember the longer you wait the longer it takes.
Next, worried you are out of touch or too old? Well don’t be! Guess what the fastest growing and most vibrant age group is? Yep the mature market! And better still the dating process can bring out your best, most creative and competitive side and inspire you to look and be your best.
Now maybe you are recovering from a break up and don’t feel up to it? So while it is recommended you go through an appropriate grieving period, especially if you were in a very long relationship, getting back out there is also a vital step in moving on and getting out and about and having new places to go and talk about are also equally important steps. So just see it as all part of the journey.
Lastly have you lost your confidence from being rejected or being single for too long? Then maybe it’s just the right time to have a re think give yourself a dating makeover and a fresh start. Why not start here with our free mini bootcamp, dating advice and profile help.

Alternatively, if you are too busy with work and other things you can pay us to manage the process for you, anything from a profile makeover all the way to helping you choose your date. Just send your details below and we will contact you immediately.

So shake those demons and have some fun!

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Images courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net




Dating Tip of the Day – It’s The Simple Stuff


Its the simple stuff that matters in preparing for a date.  Never underestimate the power of always smelling good!  Your favourite perfume or aftershave will give you a reassuring boost as well as being pleasant for your date.  Take care of basic grooming and dental hygiene – its not that hard and will always stand you in good stead.

Image courtesy of prozac1 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

